This event takes a serious look at preventing fraud in the retail banking organization. It gives you an excellent overview of financial institutions' best practices to prevent fraud. Improve your institution's anti-fraud efforts by expanding your expertise in this area.
Fraud is of more concern to banking leaders today than ever before. These concerns are driven by national media coverage, social media reports, actual dollar losses, the attack on trust (which is key to customer relationships), costs to allay customer concerns, the changing regulatory environment, and changes in how fraud efforts are being organized. Fraud is no longer just a "cottage industry", it is moving to an industrial model where specialists steal data and sell it to others who organize high-volume attacks by multiple perpetrators. Banks cannot combat the "Fraud Industry" with yesterday's methods.
There are reasons to believe that fraud losses are actually higher than recognized. Some fraud losses are buried in card interchange fees. A significant amount of fraud losses likely get reported in banks' accounting as credit losses. But they weren't due to poor credit decisions; they were fraud scams from day one. Software is widely installed to identify specific patterns and "unusual" transactions. But the fraudsters know this and are constantly striving to create fraud patterns where their transactions are designed to remain unflagged. Like in a game of chess, the advantage belongs to the side that thinks the most moves ahead.
This timely, two-hour CPE training event is designed for the internal auditor, compliance professional and others who wish to improve their fraud prevention and detection tradecraft skills.
This internal control training course will provide each attendee with 2 CPE Event Hours (YB). A certificate of completion will be provided.
Program Level of Understanding: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Delivery Format: Group Internet Based
NASBA Field(s) of Study: Business Ethics
CPE Credits: 2, based on 50 minutes of instruction per hour
Banking Best Practices to Prevent Fraud
Offered every six weeks on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Central Time in two CPE-Credit event.
We can schedule private events on your timetable for two or more attendees.
NASBA Program Disclosures
Program Level of Understanding: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Delivery Format: Group Internet Based
NASBA Field(s) of Study: Auditing
CPE Credits: 2, based on 50 minutes of instruction per hour